Google Sheets – Run Formula on Different Sheet

google sheets

I need help applying this formula to a different sheet:


I'm basically trying to discover expenses for the month of March, and hopefully having a year constraint in there too. This is how it looks like:

enter image description here

The expense report is separate from the summary report.

Best Answer

If you're in the summary report sheet and you want to sum something in the expense report sheet, then you need to do the following:

SUMIF(expenses!A2:A6, "3", expenses!H2:H6)

If your sheet name is Expense Sheet, then you need to write the formula like so:

SUMIF('Expense Sheet'!A2:A6, "3", 'Expense Sheet'!A2:A6)

If you want to search for values only, then I would re-write the "3" into 3.