Google-sheets – Steam Webapi & Hours played for a specific game – Google Sheets

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So I have managed to get a list of owned games and total hours in each game with =importJson. The only issue is I only want data for one game. The json query returns all owned games. The api wiki says I am able to filter by appid (in this case I want appid 393380 only) however I am having trouble figuring out where to put the string the wiki is describing, any thoughts?


Best Answer

You need to include the &input_json={"appids_filter":393380} at the end of the URL.

So your URL would be ("{"appids_filter":[393380]})

The JSON must be URL encoded as well. However if your profile is not set to public it will return an Internal Server Error from what I understand.

I could not get this to work because it kept sending me a 500 Internal Server Error. I used this documentation