Google Sheets – Stop Formatting Text as URL

formattinggoogle sheets

When I type "" or "" into a cell, it's auto–formatted as a URL (different colour, underlined, hover shows it as an external link). But it's not a URL, it's plain text.

Similar text like "product.periodLength" isn't converted to a URL.

Based on:

  1. How to set a Google Docs Spreadsheet cell format to bare text?
  2. How can I stop Google Sheets formatting a Forms response as a date?

I've tried setting the formatting to plain text and using a leading single quote ('), but it doesn't stop the text being formatted as a URL.

Best Answer

I couldn't find an absolute setting to just disable this function. However, you can disable the function from continuing to create links or start creating links in a new document simply by selecting all the cells (Ctrl+A), right-click and select "Unlink" from the options menu. As soon as you do this, Google Sheets saves the change and no hyperlinks will automatically be created. Closing and re-opening does not re-enable the function either.