Moving files and folders between dropboxes


I have a personal dropbox and a work dropbox. I'm trying to move a folder from my personal dropbox to my work dropbox. If I Google this issue, I get the following page

which basically says that I need to connect the two, then I'll be able to drag folders between the two dropboxes. However, when I go to settings, I see that the two dropboxes are already connected, but when I try to follow the instructions on that page and drag folders from one dropbox to the other, nothing happens. I also try clicking the "Move" button, but then it only displays destinations in the current dropbox, not destinations in the other one. I'm using the latest version of Google chrome on latest version of Mac OS.

What am I doing wrong, and how do I successfully move a folder between two dropboxes?

Best Answer

Interesting problem. I suggest you simply share your personal folders with your work folders. Then when you get to work, it would sync up. Once everything is in sync, when on your work Dropbox, copy your files into an unshared directory and then unshare your personal folder with your work folder. Don't use the web interface to move files. Use the application that Dropbox gives you to copy the files from a shared folder to an unshared folder.