Tumblr blog not loading


My tumblr blog (blog.tonyhue.com) often doesn't load. Instead, I get that blasted

"This webpage is not available"

message on Chrome, etc. Repeatedly hitting refresh sometimes seems to cure.
Any clues?

Best Answer

It appears that another user recently had the same issue. In brief, the problem was server side and could only be fixed by support. The user was also required to clear his cookies.

This is most likely not an error with your template. 'Not Found' almost always means a 404 error (source could not be found).

Even though there is not a human readable error code on that 'Not Found' page, I checked the source and found the following in the body:

var status_code = '404'

Yup, it's a 404 error! This probably doesn't have anything to do with your template or your blog personalizations. If your browser were loading the content partially or receiving the content but unable to render it, you would be receiving an error code in the 200s. Instead, it's unable to find the directory of your content.

Support will have to fix this for you, probably by repairing an error with their DNS.

Another possibility: you somehow violated Tumblr's user policy. If that is the case, they will notify you within 72 hours.

I hope this helped!