Twitter – How to get ifttt to do automatic retweets that are formatted correctly


I am trying to set up a recipe in to retweet everything from account samplesourceuser to account sampletargetuser (I have control over both accounts, names have been redacted of course). The traffic/tweet levels are not high.

I have created a recipe which looks a bit like this:

enter image description here

(the twitter account configured in is sampletargetuser's)

However, the @ is always missed out in the resultant tweet from account B, which makes it look like RT samplesourceuser: the tweet content. I would rather than this follow standard retweeting format, so it looks like RT @samplesourceuser: the tweet content.

How can I do this with

Best Answer

I think that the @ is added by Twitter (because it is actually replaced by a hyperlink). I have gone through many recipes and played around with adding apostrophes and quotes - nothing seems to have worked.

In the end I created my own recipe, Publish retweet with @.

In place of Twitter, I am using to publish. Buffer allows me to publish the username with the correct formatting. However, Buffer posts using a schedule and not immediately.