WhatsApp Web constantly disconnecting since I moved to new phone


I got a new phone (OnepLus 5T) and since that on my home PC, WhatsApp Web constantly disconnects. No problem on my work PC. I use WhatsApp Web constantly and I find myself typing away but the messages wont go through. I get the yellow warning in the top right – usually it will reconnect after a minute or so and the messages will go through but the group conversation will have gone on without me seeing it unless I check my phone.

Any idea how I can fix this?

Best Answer

I will answer what did not work for me with my onePlus5t at OS Version 7.1.1 with several Versions of the WhatsApp Android App different Wifi Networks and Web Browsers:

- settings -> system -> developer options -> disabled doze mode
- settings -> battery -> Battery optimisation - > WhatsApp -> "dont optimize"
- Settings -> Apps -> Application List  -> WhatsApp -> Data Usage -> Checked option: Unrestricted use of data
- Settings -> Wifi -> Configure Wifi -> Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep -> Always

All of this changes did not solve the problem that "Phone not connected" appears randomly. It seems to be that "Whats App Web" reconnects often automatically after some time and also instantly if I open the WhatsApp Android App in the OnePlus Phone.

enter image description here