WhatsApp Web – Does Not Work on Firefox


WhatsApp Web does not work with Firefox 47.0.1 on Windows 7 64-bit OS. I have tried making it work after disabling the add-ons and restarting Firefox in safe mode, yet this did not resolve the issue either. I am not even presented the QR code as you can see in the following screenshot this is what I get when I go to WhatsApp Web. However, on my office desktop PC which also runs the same Windows OS and the same Firefox version, this page loads correctly. What might be the problem?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I'm using Waterfox (64-bit) and all of the sudden, one morning, I started to receive the message below when I tried to access web.whatsapp.com:

WhatsApp works with Mozilla Firefox 30+ To use WhatsApp, update Firefox or use Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge or Opera.

In about:config privacy.resistFingerprinting was false. I change it to true and now I can access web.whatsapp.com, after pressing LEFT CTRL+F5.