Design data storage using a simple MUX instead of a complicated SR latch


I was studying sequential circuits and I am at the very infant stages of the course. After studying the D flipflop I realized that the purpose was to let the data line change the output if clk=1 or keep the data same if clk=0. The circuit that is generally used is derived out of the SR latch which is a complex circuit using two feedbacks. Why cant I use a simple one feedback MUX circuit with the following boolean function?



simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

The circuit diagram at the gate level would be as shown above, where D is the data line and C is the Clock. Am I being dumb somewhere??

Best Answer

Assuming that your circuit works, and I'm not going to bother to find out, it isn't a fundamentally different circuit from an SR latch. You've removed the !Q output, so one of the feedback paths in the latch now looks like a feed-forward path. This seems intuitively true because you have shifted the OR gate to the right, so the path from the bottom AND gate to the OR gate doesn't look like a feedback path anymore.

In any event, the important characteristic is not the number of feedback paths but the number of gates. You replaced a nice 2-gate latch with four gates, so most people would say you've taken a step backwards. Worse, the natural gate style in CMOS is NOR and NAND rather than OR and AND so your solution might actually require additional inverters for a practical implementation.

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