Eagle PCB design: wire names for multiple power/gnd pins


I am working on a schematic using Eagle (free version, v7.5) for a part that has multiple VCC/VBAT pins with each pin requiring a decoupling capacitor. Currently, my schematic looks like the one below, with 3.3V tag connected to all power pins and decoupling caps attached directly to the part instance (U1).


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

For better documentation and cleaner schematic, I would like to attach tags to the power pins in the part instance, and then separately connect each tag to 3.3V and corresponding decoupling cap. Something like this:


simulate this circuit

Can I insert multiple tags on a wire in Eagle? Or is there any other way I could achieve the same objective of cleaner schematic / better documentation?

Best Answer

If you want to do it without relying on self-added labels you can do the following:

Warning: it is ugly and I do not recommend doing this.

Create a new part which looks like a dead short:

enter image description here

The package is simply two pads overlapping (this will generate a DRC error of course) so the two pins are automatically connected later in the layout.

You can now connect two different labels with the part:

enter image description here

You can also change the color of the part so it does not stand out too much:

enter image description here

Sadly, I do not know any other way of achieving what you want.