Electrical – Building a XOR gate on 3 inputs using only 5 AND/OR/NOT gates


I would like to implement a XOR gate which takes a 3-bit input (in other words, the modulo-2 sum of the input bits) using only 5 OR and AND gates. As this is a pure thought experiment, any number of inverters can be used.

Is this even possible? After crawling the web for a long time, the only solution I come up with is chaining two 3-gates XOR, which yields a sum of 6 gates.

Thank you in advance for your answers!

Best Answer

Expanding on Tom Carpenter's comment


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab where the 3 OR gates can be combined into a single 4-input OR gate (sorry, but the editor only provides 2 and 3 input gates).

It's not necessary to generate a Karnaugh map for this function. The output will be high if all 3 inputs are high (AND 1) or 1 input is high while the other 2 are low (AND 2,3,4).