Electrical – How to create the layout for this rotary encoder on a pcb


I am very new to designing boards and I am trying to do a board layout that contains a MODEL EN11-HNM encoder but I am not sure how to handle the tabs that provide the mechanical strength while it is on the board.

I have laid out the three pins as it shows in the diagram titled "pcb layout" (in the linked datasheet) but there are also two, unlabeled squares in that diagram that appear to be where the tabs are.

My inclination is that there should be holes there, but the diagram doesn't suggest it (at least to me). Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

Yes, the squares are the holes for mounting tabs.

It's easier for PCB fabs to drill round plated holes than to make square ones. Often, PCB fabs charge extra for plated non-round holes. You can use round holes for mounting tabs. To be on a safe side, make the hole slightly larger than the diagonal (3.2mm) of the recommended square hole.

enter image description here