Electrical – How to read multiple Verilog files in Design Compiler


I'm trying to read multiple Verilog files in Design Compiler, but I have found just one command, read_verilog. It can read only one file at a time.

If I've got 1000 Verilog files, do I have to use 1000 read_verilog commands?

Best Answer

The read_file command has more options than the read_verilog command and it provides a solution for your need. You can specify directories instead of single files.

The following command reads all Verilog files in the specified directories.

read_file {./module1/rtl ./module2/rtl} -autoread -format verilog -top MyTopModule

The -autoread option is required for the files to be compiled in the correct order. In addition, the top module of the design is specified.

If there are too many directories, the -recursive option saves lives.

read_file {./} -autoread -recursive -format verilog -top MyTopModule