Electrical – Meaning of Ceramic Capacitor markings

capacitorceramicsymbol [~]

enter image description hereI was inspecting a PCB with a magnifying glass and noticed some of the light brown ceramic smd capacitors have 3 digit markings on them. Is there a "standard" of what these markings stand for? The first digit looks like a K with a line above it (K̄), and the other two digits are always a letter followed by a number. Example: K̄J4 or K̄A5

Best Answer

I am going to assume you didn't even google search. Before asking a question - try googling it. You'll be surprised at what you can find with 5 seconds to spare.

I googled K̄A5 and the first link is a Kemet PDF. http://www.kemet.com/Lists/ProductCatalog/Attachments/735/KEM_C1095_MIL-PRF-32535.pdf

Searching the document with again, the K̄A5, I find the following on page 12.

enter image description here