Electrical – meant by “carry Bit from Previous addition” in Full Adder

digital-logiclogic-gatespower electronics

A full adder is a combinational circuit that performs the arithmetic sum of three bits: A, B
and a carry in, C, from a previous addition

Q) What is the meaning of this bold text? (i.e from a previous addition)

I know what a carry bit is, but when it comes to Full Adder I get confused by this statement…

Best Answer

For example if you want to add 2 numbers 2 bits each. $$AB+CD$$ First you preform B+D+0 (because you have no carry from a previous addition) and then you preform A+C+carry from a previous addition, i.e. from adding B+C. You do this the same way you do a long addition you did in school.