Electrical – VHDL simulation ‘X’ output (Vivado)


I'm trying to build a modulo-4 counter using dataflow modeling. I devised the logic circuit like the following;


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

I wanted to implement this circuit with VHDL. I started from building an SR-latch. Then, a D-latch, then, a DFF. Finally I used the DFFs to build the circuit.

Following is my VHDL code for the counter,

library IEEE;

entity mod4_counter is
  Port (CLK : in std_logic; COUT : out std_logic);
end mod4_counter;

architecture Behavioral of mod4_counter is
component d_flipflop is
  Port (DFF,CLK : in std_logic; QFF,QFFNOT : out std_logic );
end component;

signal dff1d, dff1q, dff1qnot, dff2d, dff2q, dff2qnot : std_logic;
DFF1 : d_flipflop port map(DFF=>dff1d, CLK=>CLK, QFF=>dff1q, 
DFF2 : d_flipflop port map(DFF=>dff2d, CLK=>CLK, QFF=>dff2q, QFFNOT=>dff2qnot);
dff1d <= dff1q xor dff2q;
dff2d <= dff2qnot;
COUT <= dff1q and dff2q;
end Behavioral;

And the testbench code,

library IEEE;

entity counter_sim is
end counter_sim;

architecture Behavioral of counter_sim is
component mod4_counter is
  Port (CLK : in std_logic; COUT : out std_logic );
end component;

signal CLK : std_logic;
signal COUT : std_logic;
uut : mod4_counter port map(CLK=>CLK, COUT=>COUT);

clkpr : process
CLK <= '1';
wait for 75ns;
CLK <= '0';
wait for 75ns;
end process;
end Behavioral;

All the underlying components (SR, D latch, DFF) were simulated successfully. But when I simulate this design, COUT is always 'X'. What is wrong here?

Best Answer

If you are only trying to implement your circuit then to me it seems that you are over thinking this: first let’s give NAME to the different signals:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Now, let’s right the equations that rules the circuit:

s_3 = s_1 XOR s_2

s_4 = NOT s_2

s_out = s_1 AND s_2

Now, let's write the code:

library IEEE;

entity counter_whatever is

        i_clock   :  in std_logic;
        i_reset   :  in std_logic;
        o_result  : out std_logic
end entity;

architecture Behavioural of counter_whatever is

    signal   s_1, s_2  :  std_logic;


    --the output is not synchronous according to your schematic
    o_result <= s_1 AND s_2;

    --Process that deal with the upper register 
    uper_register : process(i_clock, i_reset)
        variable v_3 :  std_logic; 
        if rising_edge(i_clock) then

            --if a reset occurs
            if i_reset = '1' then
                v_3 := '0';
                s_1 <= '0';
            --if no reset occurs
                v_3 := s_1 XOR s_2;
                s_1 <= v_3;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    --Process that deal with the lower register 
    lower_register : process(i_clock, i_reset)
        variable v_4  :  std_logic; 
        if rising_edge(i_clock) then

            --if a reset occurs
            if i_reset = '1' then
                v_4 := '0';
                s_2 <= '0';
            --if no reset occurs
                v_4 := NOT s_2;
                s_2 <= v_4;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;
end architecture;

You can remove the variables, I have added them for more clarity. You can also merge the 2 processes into a single one.

You should have a reset in your process.

I do not understand why you are talking about SR-latch, D-latch or DFF. In your schematic there is juste register (Flip-Flop).

Hope it helps you

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