Electrical – Vivado libraries not working in simulation


I am trying to use some of the builtin vivado libraries to generate two clocks. I have never used any of the builtin functions before.

wire clkfb;
wire clk_324p;
wire clk_324n;
wire clk_200p;
wire clk_200n;




wire sys_clk_p;
wire sys_clk_n;
wire clk_ref_p;
wire clk_ref_n;

BUFG sys_clkp_buf(.I(clk_324p), .O(sys_clk_p)); 
BUFG sys_clkn_buf(.I(clk_324n), .O(sys_clk_n)); 
BUFG ref_clkp_buf(.I(clk_200p), .O(ref_clk_p)); 
BUFG ref_clkn_buf(.I(clk_200n), .O(ref_clk_n)); 

When I try the run the simulation I get the errors…

ERROR: [VRFC 10-426] cannot find port CLK_OUT2B on this module
[/home/chase/workspace/SVESample/src/top.v:53] ERROR: [VRFC 10-426]
cannot find port CLK_OUT2 on this module
[/home/chase/workspace/SVESample/src/top.v:52] ERROR: [VRFC 10-426]
cannot find port CLK_OUT1B on this module
[/home/chase/workspace/SVESample/src/top.v:51] ERROR: [VRFC 10-426]
cannot find port CLK_OUT1 on this module
[/home/chase/workspace/SVESample/src/top.v:50] ERROR: [VRFC 10-2063]
Module not found while processing module instance

ERROR: [VRFC 10-2063] Module not found while processing module
instance [/home/chase/workspace/SVESample/src/top.v:61]
ERROR: [VRFC 10-2063] Module not found while processing module
instance [/home/chase/workspace/SVESample/src/top.v:110]
ERROR: [XSIM 43-3322] Static elaboration of top level Verilog design
unit(s) in library work failed.

It seems like the simulator does not know about the builtin libraries. Do I need to somehow include them in the project or something? I thought I could just straight up use them.

Best Answer

I tried your code and after some initial problems got different errors. Most noticeable was Module "<MMCME2_ADV> not found while processing module instance <mmcm_adv_1> " which if you open the MMCME2_BASE.v module is inside it.

Then I decided to work very meticulous so I copied the ports from the MMCME2_BASE.v Xilinx source code and connected the module up exactly that way. That made it work.

I compared the code and found that your port names are wrong:
CLK_OUT1 should be CLKOUT1
CLK_OUT1B should be CLKOUT1B

This works:

   .CLKFBOUT (clkfb), 
   .CLKOUT0  (),  
   .CLKOUT0B (), 
   .CLKOUT1  (clk_200p),  
   .CLKOUT1B (clk_200n), 
   .CLKOUT2  (clk_324p),  
   .CLKOUT2B (clk_324n), 
   .CLKOUT3  (),  
   .CLKOUT3B (), 
   .CLKOUT4  (),  
   .CLKOUT5  (),  
   .CLKOUT6  (),  
   .LOCKED   (),   
   .CLKFBIN  (clkfb),  
   .CLKIN1   (clk_100),   
   .PWRDWN   (1'b0),   
   .RST      (1'b0)