Electronic – 7432 always output 1


So, Im wireding this

Everyone switch ON for good reading
enter image description here

And the output is the green leds of each protoboard, 2bits for each protoboard, and with those bits, I have to do a "AND" or "OR" so, to do that, 1 bit of my switch is connected to a NOT, in order to send voltaje to the 7432 or 7408, depends on that bit… The AND is working perfectly, but the OR isn´t

Green cable, input for 7432(Not working as expected)
Yellow cable, input for 7408(Works fine)
Blue cables, output of each result
Large Yellow/Orage cable voltaje to each logic gate

So, on the 7432 I have a input of 0´s(from the green bits) and the output is 1, as far as I understand, this is sendind 0´s, so the output should be 0, but only if I connect ground directly outputs the correct bit.

Status input: 0-0 / 0-0
excpected output: 0-0
enter image description here

red led indicates which logic gate is on
I add a NOT that is not connected, since this emulator do not recreate the logic gate, this NOT is the one who allow the "AND" or "OR" to turn on(Large Yello and Orange cables or the red LED)

Best Answer

It appears that you are using 74LS32, and other 74LS parts. With these bipolar TTL parts, you must connect inputs to Ground/Zero Volts to input a Logic 0. If the inputs are left unconnected, they will act as Logic 1.

A proper schematic diagram would make it much easier for us to diagnose your problem - I won't try to figure out your circuit from your breadboard photos and other strange drawings.