System Verilog – Aggregate Value Error Solutions


I am working on a project and have encountered a problem with one of my modules.
I am trying to add offsets to 11 bits input from another model and output them to vga controller.
My inputs are declared like so –

input   logic signed  Player_TLX [10:0],     //Current Player Top Left X pos
input   logic signed  Player_TLY [10:0],    //Current Player Top Left Y pos

and the calculation I am trying to do are –

            if (Fire && !In_Air) begin //Projectile Launch
                    topLeftY_FixedPoint <= (Player_TLY + Player_Height)*FIXED_POINT_MULTIPLIER ;
                    topLeftX_FixedPoint <= Player_TLX + Player_Half_Width ;
                    In_Air <= TRUE ;
                    Enemy_Hit <= FALSE;

Where player height, width and the multiplier are constants.
This lines give me the error –

Error (10686): SystemVerilog error at Player_TLY has an aggregate value
Error (10686): SystemVerilog error at Player_TLX has an aggregate value

I have tried using local parameters for the calculations but got similar error ,
is there a way to make such calculations?
am I using the wrong data type for this?
help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

You have the ranges in the declaration in the wrong place. You had an unpacked array of 11 single bits (an aggregate). You want a packed array of 11-bits (an integral)

input   logic signed  [10:0] Player_TLX,     //Current Player Top Left X pos
input   logic signed  [10:0] Player_TLY,    //Current Player Top Left Y pos