Electronic – arduino – MCP2221 USB To UART Programmer


I am very new to the electrical design and had a very basic question. I am trying to program a Atmega328p using the MCP2221 interfacing chip. I picked this chip due to it being the only converter I can find in a dip package/ so package. Looking at my design I have connected the reset pin from the chip through a 100nF cap to the reset pin on the atmega. I got this design from the arduino uno ftdi setup. Would this work in order to program the atmega when it already has the arduino bootloader loaded on it?


enter image description here

Best Answer

Looking at my design I have connected the reset pin from the chip through a 100nF cap to the reset pin on the atmega.

This is definitely not right.

The RESET pin on the MCP2221 is an input, not an output. The only thing that connecting it this way would do is possibly reset the MCP2221 when the reset button is pressed, causing it to disconnect from your computer for a moment.

There's no great way to hook this up, as the MCP2221 does not have any secondary UART signals (e.g, RTS/CTS, DTR/DSR). You could potentially connect one of the GPIOs to the capacitor to get the desired result, but note that this will require some software changes to the programmer to support it. A better option might be to use the MCP2200, which has RTS/CTS pins that can be used as-is by the programmer.