Electronic – Clock Dividers with Clock Domain Crossing


I am doing a design in FPGA that looks like this:
enter image description here

100 MHz is the clock available in my FPGA board. It feeds Module 2. Module 1 is needs a slow clock of 10 MHz clock. So I used a clock divider with flip flops. I thought of not using PLL to make my code purely RTL. Module 1 is transferring some data along with control signals to Module 2.

My current assumption is that:

The main clock and the divided clock are synchronous, and their phase relations are known to the synthesiser. And hence there is no Clock Domain Crossing here. So that I can simply constraint both the clocks and put multi-path SDC constraints between Module 1 and Module 2.

But I am not sure whether I am right. Is this a case of asynchronous CDC ? Will I need any synchroniser between Module 1 and Module 2 ?

Any feedback is welcome.

Best Answer

Depends on your vendor

On most modern FPGA's of the two biggest vendors, your first assumption is correct and you won't need synchronization registers for the CDC if your clock divider is written correctly. The synthesis tools will take care of everything.

Synthesis tools by smaller vendors don't always take into account the known phase relationship between the clocks, which might mean you do need a proper CDC. From experience I can say that the old Libero tools for at least the older RTAX and ProASIC lines allow you to specify synchronous clocks, but the specification just gets ignored and proper CDCs need to be added at the RTL level.