Electronic – connect a CAN node with 250 kbit/s to a CAN bus running at 500 kbit/s


I'm trying to connect an automatic car gearbox which is using the CAN bus at 250 kbit/s to car with bus speed 500 kbit/s.

  1. Is it possible to have nodes with different speeds on the CAN bus?

  2. If it is not possible to have different speeds, is there a way to accomplish what I want to do? Anyway, a starting point would be great.

Best Answer

Basic CAN protocol doesn't support nodes running at different bitrates:

The speed of CAN may be different in different systems. However, in a given system the bitrate is uniform and fixed.

The newer version of the protocol called CAN FD, provides support for flexible data rate, as its name suggests. Legacy CAN hardware is supported on CAN FD networks, however, it still has to run at a given fixed bitrate.

I think your only option is to buy a router. Here is an example of a CAN router which supports 4 channels with independent bitrate configuration.