Electronic – Different answers when using two different equations to find the same unknown (BJT)


Problem 43, chapter 6 in sedra and smith microelectronics.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

We are asked to find the current flowing in R1 and R2 knowing that VBE = 680 mV and Ic = 1 mA, β = 100.

if I compute Ie using (β+1)*Ic / β, I get 1.01 mA

if I first compute I(R1) using ohm's law (0.1 mA) and then use kirchoff current law: Ie+I(R1) = 1.1 mA, I get Ie = 1.1mA – 0.1 mA = 1mA

Not the same answer. Why?

Thank you very much.

Best Answer

You did not read the problem's description carefully. It is a * problem (especially hard one), and there is a reason for this.

The problem states: "... current source \$I\$ is 1.1 mA, and at 25\$^{\circ}\$ C \$v_{BE}=680\$ mV at \$i_C=1\$ mA. At 25\$^{\circ}\$ C with \$beta =\$ 100, what currents flow in \$R_1\$ and \$R_2\$?"

You're asked to calculate currents through resistors, but you're not given constraints on \$v_{BE}\$ or \$i_C\$. You just told that, at room temperature, if \$v_{BE}=680\$ mV then \$i_C=1\$ mA.

Let us know if you need further help.