Electronic – Eagle: PCB layers stack-up and impedance


I had a PCB board with 8 layers to be fabricated. I have used an opensource deign modified it a bit and want to get them fabricated. The PCB company asked me to provide layer stack and impedance requirements.

In order to make better PCB, please offer me the layer stack for every layer and the impedance requirements.

I am not sure what exactly to reply with specially regarding the impedance requirements

Here is my layers setting in eagle and regarding impedance control I have an A20 soc and DRAM.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The PCB manufacturer is asking for the stack-up because generally people include Power planes and Ground planes in between the layers. So how would the PCB manufacturer know where to put which layer?

Sophisticated PCB Manufacturers also have impedance control on signals. You should provide him the stack file. Like USB Differential Signals (D+ and D-) require impedance control on tracks. AFAIK, 90 ohm to be exact.

He requires these files for quality manufacturing.