Electronic – Implementing logic gates in CMOS


I'm trying to build the below function with CMOS, is my implementation correct?

$$ F = ABC + (\overline{B+C})D $$

I am having trouble with the $$(\overline{B+C})$$ in all of the examples I've seen the function is in the form $$F = \overline{blablabla}$$ (the inverse of the whole expression).
I gave it a try but I'm not sure if it's correct, for example is it ok to have ~A as input to a PMOS (I don't see why not). enter image description here

The correct layout after Dave Tweed pointed out the missing connections on the N-block.
(The added connections are marked with pink)

enter image description here

Best Answer

Yes, your solution is very nearly correct. Here are the steps, which you really should have shown in your question:

In order to deal with the second top-level term, you need to apply De Morgan's Law, which states:

$$\overline{A \cdot B} = \overline{A} + \overline{B}$$


$$\overline{A + B} = \overline{A} \cdot \overline{B}$$

Using this, you can make the following transformation:

$$(\overline{B + C}) \cdot D = \overline{B} \cdot \overline{C} \cdot D$$

This transforms the entire function into:

$$F = A \cdot B \cdot C + \overline{B} \cdot \overline{C} \cdot D$$

which is a normal sum-of-products expression.

In order to implement this in CMOS, however, you need a function that has an overall inversion, so you need to apply the law again:

$$F = \overline{\overline{(A \cdot B \cdot C)} \cdot \overline{(\overline{B} \cdot \overline{C} \cdot D)}}$$

and again (two places):

$$F = \overline{(\overline{A} + \overline{B} + \overline{C}) \cdot (B + C + \overline{D})}$$

Your schematic diagram is correct, but your layout does not quite match it. There are a few missing connections on the NMOS side.