Electronic – In VHDL 2008, can a type from a package with generics be used for a port signal


So I can define a package with a generic – in this case, the package takes a size as a generic and defines a vector type of that size:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

package vector_package is
    generic (
        size : integer);

    subtype vector_t is std_logic_vector (size - 1 downto 0);
end package;

Now I can instantiate that package within an architecture to create a signal of that vector type:

entity foo is
end entity;

architecture rtl of foo is
    package vp_4 is new work.vector_package generic map (size => 4);
    signal vector : vp_4.vector_t;
end architecture;

But what I want is to use the vector type for a port signal. I would have expected to be able to do something like this, but it does not appear to be valid VHDL 2008:

package vp_4 is new work.vector_package generic map (size => 4);

entity bar is
    port (
        signal vector : out vp_4.vector_t);
end entity;

This is rejected by ModelSim 10.2c with the message (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "vp_4". in the line containing signal vector : ....

Is there a way to use the type from the package for a port signal? I am aware of unconstrained types as an alternative, but they do not fit my requirements in the actual use case.

Best Answer

Credit for the answer goes to user8352 who provided the solution and some background. The vp_4 package is found in the work library and the following will work:

package vp_4 is new work.vector_package generic map (size => 4);

entity bar is
    port (
        signal vector : out work.vp_4.vector_t);
end entity;