Electronic – Is a HASL surface finish appropriate for edge connector plating


I'm working on a daughter board PCB which will plug into a larger board. I'm interested in trying out edge connector plating for the connection type. However, I'm not sure on what surface finish is appropriate for edge connect plating.

Doing a bit of research, I've found that a hard gold finish (gold fingers) is a popular method due to its robustness. However, I'm thinking this is not a cost effective solution.

I know that a lot of board houses use HASL surface finish as default, would it be appropriate to use HASL as edge connect plating? How concerned should I be of ware?

Best Answer

Gold is best. Some board houses can do it on a selective area (such as just the connector), for a lower cost.

If you just need a prototype, something that can tolerate bad contacts and does not require high speed, HASL will work, but it is not the best.