Logic Gates – Designing a Logic Buffer


Logic buffer is usually depicted like this:

Standard logic buffer

But can this work equally well?
Simplified logic buffer

And if it's not the case, why not?

Best Answer

What we need

As a rule, the authors of circuit textbooks willingly show us how circuits are made... and how to calculate them. But they frequently forget to tell us why they are made this way; so usually we have to find the explanation ourselves.

The challenge

It is a big challenge to reveal the "philosophy" behind these legendary complementary stages... to find the answer to the question, "Why are they made exactly this way?".. and to the more specific question here, "Why not a source follower?" I will try to do it in a human friendly manner, without any special terms and definitions that impede the intuitive understanding at this initial stage.

The OP's idea

It really makes sense. He simply asks, "Why do we need to make a follower by two cascaded CMOS inverters (4 transistors in total) when such a simpler circuit (CMOS follower of only 2 transistors) exists?"

Really, it exists... and it is widely used in analog amplifiers... but here we are talking about digital circuits (logic gates). Let's consider what is the difference between them.

Follower vs inverter

Following vs amplification. The output voltage of the CMOS follower is a copy of the input voltage. So, if the input signal has poor (sloping) transitions, the output signal will also be poor.

In contrast, the CMOS inverter has significant gain during the switching because each of the transistors acts as a "dynamic load" to the other. As a result, the input signal is amplified and its transitions become steep. So the CMOS inverter improves the input signal.

The fact that logic gates are amplifiers makes it possible to build latches by introducing a positive feedback (simply by connecting the output of the cascaded inverters to the input). It is impossible to make this by the source follower because its gain is less than one.

Output voltage drops. Analog circuits work in the middle range of the power supply (in active mode); their output voltage does not reach supply rails (ground and VDD). So, the voltage drops across the drain-source parts of both transistors can be significant... and they can be connected in a CMOS source follower configuration.

In contrast, digital circuits work close to supply rails; their output voltage is either 0 V (ground) or VDD (+5 V). This means that the voltage drops across the drain-source parts of both transistors should be almost zero... and they should be connected in a CMOS inverter configuration. So, the CMOS inverter provides voltage levels almost equal to the supply rails.

Input voltage thresholds. The voltage follower needs small voltage thresholds of the transistors since they determine the difference between the input and output voltage (i.e., here the voltage threshold is something undesired). That is why, BJT are more suitable for this configuration since their base-emitter voltage VBE (0.7 V) is a relatively small threshold.

In contrast, the complementary inverter needs significant voltage thresholds (but still < VDD/2) since both transistors switch close to middle (i.e., here the voltage threshold is desired). So, this topology can not be implemented by BJT because of their small thresholds. MOS FETs are more suitable for the inverting configuration because of their high gate-source voltage threshold Vth.

Biasing. Another problem of the follower is the absence of biasing. As a result, in a region of 2Vth, both transistors ate cut-off and the output is "floating". There is no such a problem in the invertor where at least one transistor is on.

Versatility. Cascaded inverters have another (great) advantage vs the follower - there is another input (output). It is used in RS latches and RAM cells.