Electronic – Logic-circuit physical implementation


I've got a logical design that uses roughly 3000 NAND gates. So far it's only on simulation, but I would like to physically implement it. The circuit is already simplified.
What are my options to do that? Buy 750 TTL 7400 does not seem to be a good one.

Best Answer

I would highly recommend looking at the Spartan 6 series of FPGAs from Xilinx. They are actually quite affordable, and you could buy a pretty sizeable FPGA for less than the price of 750 7400 series gates. And it would likely run an order of magnitude faster while taking up a heck of a lot less space. Last time I checked on digikey a decently sized Spartan 6 FPGA was about $20. There are also some decent Spartan series dev boards on ebay that don't do much more than break out most of the pins while providing a configuration flash, core voltage regulator, and an oscillator.