Electronic – Looking for 10GHz range clock generator


A bit of background: I'm doing some research with Doppler cooling and I need to design a new electronics package to tune a set of lasers to stimulate various two photon transitions.

At the moment, the laser locking package makes use of the ADF4350, (it's the eval kit). However, for this new application I need to use something in the 10GHz range. The closest thing I could find was this series:


A perusal of popular suppliers: TI, AD again, SiLabs, Lattice Semi, etc, has yielded little outside of 3GHz (makes sense I guess, for 6Gbps video?). Also, while I wouldnt mind designing the board, I would prefer a dev kit as it would save time.

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions.


EDIT: someone made a good point, I'm looking for an oscillator and not a clock. I need it to be fairly close to a delta function around the fundamental. I've found some good ones at RFMD.

Best Answer

yeah I would use this and a compatible buffer to make sure correct 10GHz pulses are being delivered. I suggest the item below
