Electronic – Minimal redistributable coregen output for command-line rebuilds


I'm building an SoC with my own soft-core, and I want people to be able to easily rebuild it using Xilinx webpack command-line tools. I'm using coregen's Clock Wizard to create a clock module, but coregen's output doesn't appear to be redistributable (the resulting verilog source claims to be confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, who reserves all rights and doesn't specifically grant the right to redistribute AFAICT).

Is there a command-line/Makefile recipe somewhere for getting similar output from coregen that I can redistribute to my users?

http://github.com/atgreen/moxie-cores , btw.

Best Answer

The coregen GUI will produce a file ending in .xco that appears to be redistributable. This file contains commands to feed coregen in batch mode (coregen -b FOO.xco -p PROJ.cgp)

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