Electronic – name of semi-cut headers in KiCAD


I'm looking for a "semi-cut headers" footprint in KiCAD.

Saying "semi-cut header" I mean a footprint which you can use either for soldering traditional pins or solder your board on top of other board.
Like on this image:

enter image description here

The questions are:

  1. What is the proper name for them?

    Thanks to '@alex.forencich' and '@Tony Stewart Sunnyskyguy EE75' these parts are called castellated edges, castellation, castellation terminal,castellated mounting holes, castellated vias or plated half-holes. I also found good instructions on the dimensions requirements of those here.

  2. Are there any footprints in KiCad for that (and where to find them)?

    No, they don't exist as ready-to-go solutions! I did find only general design suggestions here


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