Electronic – Protocol for WiFi network to connect to a website


Ok, I'm trying to wrap my hands around communicating over WiFi using a microcontroller. There seem to be various options such as UART, SPI etc.

If I want an Arduino to get or put content on a website, what protocol does the Arduino use to talk with the WiFi module? I see there are cheap UART WiFi modules available, but I don't think they have the TCP/IP stack built in.

2 Questions:

  1. How do I interface between a microprocessor and the WiFi module? Or what connections do I use? I2C, SPI, UART?

  2. What are the minimum requirements for a WiFi module to be able to talk to a website? I want to read data from a website and write data to a website.

I hope this makes some sense, but to me it is still confusing.

Best Answer

1.) Whatever you'd like. There are wifi modules out there that can do both UART and SPI even. Example: http://www.rovingnetworks.com/products/Wi_Fi_Modules

2.) I'm not a web developer but I think in terms of minimum requirements you need to be able to open an http or tcp/udp connection with the server and do GETs and POSTs