Electronic – Schematic for TTGO VGA32 V1.2 by Lilygo


After recieving a couple of these boards to tinker with I have been searching online for some schematic. I have only found the following useful images:

TTGO VGA32 V1.2 interface pinout

Other usefull resources I have found are:

But none of the actual TTGO VGA32 Board.

I know that to use the board with the information provided, its enough but wanted to get more detail on the board.

So before I go and invest some time into reverse engineering my own schematic, which I probably will do eventualy I'm asking if anyone has done this already or knows where to find the schematic of the TTGO VGA32 V1.2 Board?

I also asked the question to have a placeholder to be able to find/share the Schematic of this board easier in the future.


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