Electronic – SR Latch (Flip Flop) beginning Inputs


Ok this is probably a basic question, but I understand how SR latches work except one thing.

In the R input and S input you can make them 0 or 1…..but what about the input lines next to them (That rely on the output of the R or gate or S or gate)……what do those "Start" out as.

I assume it's Zero…..but with the very first clock signal (To R or S)….it hasn't gotten the output line from the other OR gate yet…so how can it get a first output.

Like lets pretend the first clock signal is R=1 and S=0 ….what about the R or gates input line next to it (that relies on the S OR gates output)…..how can it get this on the first "input" signal. It confuses me?

Do we just assume it's zero or what?

edit: Since the question is confusing, the Input line RIGHT below the R (They both go into the top OR gate, im talking about the one right below it). Since it is dependent on the S output….if it's the first "Clock" signal…what would it be set to? Zero? Since obviously it has to wait for the output of S before it can actually be set to anything…but initially what is it considered.

enter image description here

Best Answer

They start out undefined, that is they could be set to either.

When you switch power on, assuming a real latch with no input signals, both gates will want to output high. However due to no two gates being exactly the same (and other real world effects), one will "win" the race to bring it's output high first, and set the others output to low. The same gate may not win every time, so you can't predict the state at power on.

This diagram (from the second link below) helps to visulalise things:

Metastable condition

For further reading about this and metastability, see these links:

Wikibooks SR latch
Latches and FFs
Wiki Metastability
Metastability document

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