Electronic – Switching pre regulator and linear regulators

linear-regulatorpower supplyswitch-mode-power-supplyswitching-regulator

I need to have a 5v supply with around an amp of current draw max, and a 6v supply with around a 4amps current draw max. I was thinking: instead of having two switching regulator circuits, just having one 5amp 9v switching regulator circuit feeding into an Lm7805 and an lm338t (linear regulators) to generate my 5v, and 6v rails, respectively. My Vin is around 18v. Pololu makes some nice switching regs that fit my needs.

Are there any potential drawbacks to this arrangement? I heard it referred to as a switching pre regulator. When answering please bare in mind I'm a hobbiest.

Best Answer

No, this sounds reasonable, if it is what you want to do. One problem is that you will drop 9-6=3 volt at 4 amperes, that's 12 watts. You need a hefty heat sink for that.

A better option is perhaps to have a 6V output from a switching regulator, and a 5V low-dropout linear regulator, converting 6V to 5V. The 5 volt regulator would only have to drop one volt, converting 1 watt into heat. This is still a non-trivial amount of heat for one IC, but as peufeu mentions in a comment, is small enough to be dealt with using the copper on the PCB as a heat sink.