Electronic – the meaning of speed grade marking on Xilinx FPGAs


According to Xilinx FPGA product datasheets, the numbers on the 5th line as 4C or 5I stand for speed grade and temperature.I have a XC3S400 with 4C speed grade (4= standard speed, 5= High performance).

I want to know what exactly the standard speed grade means ? Can I relate it to a specific bandwidth? For example assume I want to make a high speed counter and want to use the maximum possible speed driven from a crystal oscillator into GCKx pins. Can I use this 4C marking as a guide for crystal oscillator selection?

enter image description here

Best Answer

The speed grade has to do mostly with specified transistor switching speed. You can review the definition of -MIN, -4 and -5 speed grades in appnote 312, page 125 onwards.

This determines how quickly you can run internal clocked circuits. It will not influence the choice of your crystal oscillator, as you will use a PLL multiplier to generate the actual system clock from a realistic crystal frequency.