Electronic – Toggle Flip-Flop for Voltage Higher than Logic Levels


I need a T flip-flop for 24V. The purpose is to take a 24V 50% duty cycle 0.5Hz pulse wave and halve its frequency to 0.25Hz, so that the output wave toggles between 0 and 24V at the input's rising edge.

I know one solution is to use an impulse latch relay, but those are quite large and expensive.

Since logic circuits for 24V are uncommon, relays or transistors would be most suitable.

There is one solution demonstrated by CreativE EngineerinG (link) which I have replicated in falstad simulator (link), but the simulation does not work properly. I'm unsure about this solution because the simulation does not work and because I need to purchase the components before constructing the circuit, so I must be sure that it works. Plus, this solution is for 5V and not 24V, so the components values must be different, and higher power BJTs will have different internal characteristics.

What is the best solution (preferably one that can be simulated)?

Best Answer

Thyristor T Flip- Flop. It can be made for any voltage and can be controlled with a lower voltage. Through the capacitor (1u) the switching on one thyristor switches off the other.



In principle, there could be only one problem with it if the two thyristors ignite at the same time at the first moment. In practice, this has never occurred due to manufacturing tolerance. It can also be prevented with minimal asymmetry of (gate) parts. It works for sure for 10 pieces, a long time ago I built a decade counter from them. :)

For simulation give C1 a starting voltage of 3-4V (asymmetry) and it will work afterwards.