Electronic – Trying to understand range and frequency of an RFID reader


I am trying to understand how range of communication between RFID reader and tag is related to frequency and power.

  1. So if I increase frequency, the range will be shorter or larger? why? (I need to understand basic mechanism)

  2. I have an RFID reader. This one is having a range of only 5-10 cm. I want to increase its range to say 1 meter. I understand that if I can increase output power I can transfer energy to larger distance, so I can energize the tag kept at larger distance. So can I increase the range by amplifying the signals and possibly connecting it with a different antenna which can send the signals to a larger distance? If yes how?

Best Answer

You cannot change the frequency because it has been tuned for specific frequency, not to mention the legalĨ stuff even if you could. For given frequency (or better said wave length) there is a relation which determine how far the so called 'near field' extends. And only within this near field passive RFID system could possibly work, because it works similar to the transformer /the energy 'taken' from the primary side indicates the presence of the tag in the field/. The antenna near field extends to 'wavelength / (2 * Pi)'

So if you made the frequency higher, you would actually shortened this reactive detection range. Long range systems (10 m or so) works based on the back scattering principle, much like the radar.