Electronic – VHDL Procedure – Same variable for input/output parameter


I've written a component where I use the same variable for the input and output parameter of a procedure. A reduced example looks like this:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity var_test is
        iClk        : in  std_logic;
        iReset_n    : in  std_logic
end entity;

architecture behaviour of var_test is
    procedure incr(
        iVar : in  signed(15 downto 0);
        oVar : out signed(15 downto 0)
    ) is
        oVar := iVar+1;

    variable vVar : signed(15 downto 0) := (others => '0');
    wait until rising_edge(iClk);
    if iReset_n = '0' then
        incr(vVar, vVar);
    end if;
end process;

end behaviour;

When observing vVar in the simulator I expect it to be a counter. This is indeed the behavior I'm seeing when setting the VHDL standard to 2002 in ModelSim 10.5b. However, when selecting VHDL 2008 the variable value is undefined (displayed as 'X') after the first rising edge after reset. Was there a change regarding this behavior between these VHDL standards? Or is this code illegal and just worked by accident?

Best Answer

I have changed your function to give a value on reset as follows:

wait until rising_edge(iClk);
if iReset_n = '0' then
    vVar := (others => '0');
    incr(vVar, vVar);
end if;

I don't know how it works without this initialization for previous VHDL versions (it shouldn't), but it works with it under VHDL 2008

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