Domain – Godaddy cname “@” not working (instructions from Heroku)


I created a little app on Heroku, and am trying to follow their directions for setting up a custom domain on Godaddy. I've created a CNAME for www, but I can't create one for @ (or per their instructions.

I keep getting the error:

ERROR - DNS Rules Violation, A record of a different type exists for this hostname, CNAME 
cannot be created for @

No matter which combination of dots and @'s I use. Anyone know how to add that cname with just the root domain and not the www?

Best Answer

I've set up a domain with godaddy using heroku so see if this helps.

First you set up 3 A records with the hostname @ to point to the heroku ips:,, and (check their docs to make sure they are the same when you do this).

Then you add just one CNAME record if you want www and have it point to @.

If you use the total DNS control feature your screen will end up looking something like this:

alt text

You also need to use the heroku addon for DNS and configure it:

heroku addons:add custom_domains:basic
heroku domains:add
heroku domains:add

Doing the above should get you set up with their free basic DNS service.