Electrical – Verilog Register File


I wrote a verilog code for a 4 by 9 bit register:

module reg_file(input rst,
            input clk,
            input wr_en,
            input rd_en,
            input [1:0]rd0_addr,
            input [1:0]rd1_addr,
            input [1:0]wr_addr,
            input [8:0]wr_data,
            output reg [8:0]rd0_data,
            output reg [8:0]rd1_data);

    reg [8:0]mem[3:0];
    integer i;

    always @(posedge rst or negedge clk)
        if (rst) begin
            for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1)
        else if (wr_en) begin
        else (rd_en) begin
            assign rd0_data = mem[rd0_addr];
            assign rd1_data = mem[rd1_addr];

but using iverilog to check if there are any issues, it says:

26: syntax error
27: Syntax in assignment statement l-value.
30: syntax error

I can't seem to figure out why I'm getting these errors, can anyone help?

I also need to find test vectors to test every possible outcome of the register file, does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to do that?

Best Answer

Those numbers at the front of the error messages are line numbers. Open your verilog file in a text editor that displays line numbers, and figure out where they are.

One problem I noticed was on the line:

else (rd_en) begin

You can't have a condition after else without another if keyword.

else if (rd_en) begin