Electronic – Aldec Active-HDL – No Default Binding


I'm getting some errors when I try to compile my design in Aldec's Active-HDL.

# Warning: ELAB1_0026: BITADJ128.bde(BITADJ128.vhd) : (79, 0): There is no default binding for component "buf". (No entity named "buf" was found).
# Warning: ELAB1_0026: BITADJ128.bde(BITADJ128.vhd) : (157, 0): There is no default binding for component "INV". (No entity named "INV" was found).
# Warning: ELAB1_0026: BITADJ128.bde(BITADJ128.vhd) : (277, 0): There is no default binding for component "GND". (No entity named "GND" was found).

I have added these items to the library multiple times, and in different ways, but it still gets hosed up. I'm wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue? I inherited a large design I'm converting from EDIF to VHDL and switching from Virtex-4 to Virtex-5, and there seems to be a symbol resolution problem.

Best Answer

Could you share your 'library' and 'use' statements in your code. And the lines where those components (buf, INV, GND) are used. My first guess it that you're missing the Xilinx unisim library.

library UNISIM;  
use UNISIM.Vcomponents.all;
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