Electronic – What does Minimum Slot Aperature mean


Exploring some fab houses and I came across this statement from https://www.viapart.com/PCB/Explain

"Minimum slot aperture
Mechanical drill 0.6mm The tolerance of groove aperture is±0.1mm"

Does this mean that the smallest hole they can make is ~24mils with an annular ring of ~4mils ? If not, what does Minimum Slot Aperature mean ?

How could one extract annular ring size from their description ?

Best Answer

I would interpret this as the smallest slot they can make is the equivalent of a 0.6mm hole, dragged along the line of the slot. As in, the smallest tool they'll use for a slot is their 0.6mm drill, and they're putting a 0.1mm tolerance on the width of that slot.

Does this mean that the smallest hole they can make is ~24mils with an annular ring of ~4mils ?

Not necessarily. They may have smaller drill sizes available for vias and non-slot holes.