Electronic – What type of solder should be used to assemble Adafruit cobbler


I'm a complete noob at soldering. I want to assemble Adafruit's Raspberry Pi Cobbler as shown here: http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-pi-cobbler-kit/solder-it

These instructions fail to mention what type of solder one should buy. Any suggestions for solder for electronics?

Best Answer

Anything really if it is a home project. 60/40 Tin Lead is really easy to work with and is your off-the-shelf choice. This only becomes an issue if you plan on selling your Cobbler. In this case you may need to go to lead-free solder depending on your country rules and regulations.

If this is your first time, pick up some solder wick (you'll need it) and either buy solder with a flux-core or buy some flux separately.