7-segment display with decoder


I'm not sure if I'm on the right exchange here but if not then let me know! Worth trying anyway.

I'm in the process of making a logic circuit to display a number, for example, 15711862 – it has to be that length anyway. I've had to make my own decoder and I'm stuck with the outputs and which gates to use, would I use an AND gate, OR gate, etc. as well as the wiring, how do I determine which letters would connect to which gate, to then connect to the pin of the 7-segment display (I'll add a picture below).

Like I said, I'm not sure if this is the right exchange to ask on and if it's not then let me know and I'll delete the question, but I'm quite confused right now! Any questions please ask below!

current logic circuit

Best Answer

What you need is what's called a "BCD t0 7 segment decoder", which isn't what you've shown. Neither is the display you've shown a 7 segment display, since it only has 7 pins. Also, if you want to display more than one digit, you'll need as many decoders as you have digits and a means to drive each the inputs separately, or a multiplexing/latching/shift register scheme of some kind. Study this data sheet for a clue.