VHDL Overmapping and Time Constaint issues in Xilinx-ISE


I have an issue with a module I use for rotation of a vector. I have two operations one uses 2 rotLeft modules and the other uses 2 rotRights. Originally I had occupied Slices overmapping issues which led me to combine the modules which helped a lot however now I am having issues with timing constraints in Xilinx, which results in incorrect output when programmed to an FPGA dev board. I've realized the issue is the rotation modules, when commenting out the four rotation modules port map the designs max speed is around 111Mhz and when in use 1.66Mhz, when only 2 are used it is around 44Mhz max which is fine since operating is 25Mhz. Their are 4 rotation modules in use; however, only 2 are needed at a time, depending on if a button is pressed on the board or not. I attempted to turn two off at a time by switching the with/select clause with a process gaurd and a case statement; however, I end up with LUT Overmapped issues (158%, usually 71%).

Does anyone have any advice for dealing with timing constraints and overmapping issues in Xilinx, or a way to improve the below module?


    PORT (
    din     : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0);  -- Input to be rotated
    amnt    : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 DOWNTO 0);   --Amount to Rotate by
    dout    : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0) -- Rotated Input
END rotLeft;

    WITH amnt SELECT -- din <<< amnt
            din(30 DOWNTO 0) & din(31)           WHEN "00001", --01
            din(29 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 30) WHEN "00010", --02
            din(28 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 29) WHEN "00011", --03
            din(27 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 28) WHEN "00100", --04
            din(26 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 27) WHEN "00101", --05
            din(25 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 26) WHEN "00110", --06
            din(24 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 25) WHEN "00111", --07
            din(23 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 24) WHEN "01000", --08
            din(22 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 23) WHEN "01001", --09
            din(21 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 22) WHEN "01010", --10
            din(20 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 21) WHEN "01011", --11
            din(19 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 20) WHEN "01100", --12
            din(18 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 19) WHEN "01101", --13
            din(17 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 18) WHEN "01110", --14
            din(16 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 17) WHEN "01111", --15
            din(15 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 16) WHEN "10000", --16
            din(14 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 15) WHEN "10001", --17
            din(13 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 14) WHEN "10010", --18
            din(12 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 13) WHEN "10011", --19
            din(11 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 12) WHEN "10100", --20
            din(10 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 11) WHEN "10101", --21
            din(09 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 10) WHEN "10110", --22
            din(08 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 09) WHEN "10111", --23
            din(07 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 08) WHEN "11000", --24
            din(06 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 07) WHEN "11001", --25
            din(05 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 06) WHEN "11010", --26
            din(04 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 05) WHEN "11011", --27
            din(03 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 04) WHEN "11100", --28
            din(02 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 03) WHEN "11101", --29  
            din(01 DOWNTO 0) & din(31 DOWNTO 02) WHEN "11110", --30
            din(0)           & din(31 DOWNTO 01) WHEN "11111", --31
            din                                  WHEN OTHERS;

        dout <= rot;
END rtl;

This is the code for the encryption/decryption https://gist.github.com/anonymous/cd91224afa3192cd2cf2

Best Answer

From the timing report you attached, the critical path has 378 levels of logic in it. I can't emphasize enough how much 378 levels is, from the project I'm working on (video compression), my critical path is only 8 levels deep.

This is part of your problem, not only the propagation delays are enormous from going trough so many LUTs, ISE has a lot of problem routing the design in an efficient way. You need to add registers to pipeline your design, it is much easier to route a pipelined design and you will get faster speed and smaller area. Beside, registers are virtually free in FPGAs.

For instance, your rotLeft entity should have registered inputs and outputs, and it will then easily run at 100MHz, even in a spartan-3E. In my design, I always register my output, and assumes the inputs are registered (since they come from the output of another module).

Another part of your problem is these combinational loops that ISE report. Those are likely to change or even disappear once you redesign to add pipeline registers, but you shouldn't even try a bitstream with these in it.