Electronic – master slave flipflop and edge triggered flip flop


what is the difference between a master slave flipflop and edge triggered flip flop in terms of circuitry and performance?like the aim they serve i.e. one transition per clockpulse of the final output, is same then how are they different?

Best Answer

There is a lot of confusion regarding the differences here. A master-slave flip flop is edge triggered. Please don't confuse latches with flip flops -- it will make everything seem very arbitrary. A FF is just two back to back latches with opposite phase clocks -- the first is the master and the second is the slave. The transparency windows are near-mutually exclusive so a lock and dam type flow is created.

See my previous answers for more in depth information. Also please know that both answers here already are wrong and will simply lead to confusion.

what is ff

difference bw latches and ff